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DigiUni is the largest Erasmus+ project to be implemented in Ukraine

About the project

About the project

The DigiUni project is aimed at supporting higher education in Ukraine during the wartime and post-war restoration period. Currently, it is the largest project under the Erasmus+ program ever implemented in Ukraine.

In 2023, the European Commission opened a special window for Ukraine under the Erasmus+ program in response to the challenges faced by Ukrainian higher education due to the full-scale invasion of Russia and its consequences. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, together with Ukrainian partner universities, worked on a proposal that would combine a systematic approach, broad influence and cooperation of all Ukrainian higher education institutions. According to the results of the selection, the DigiUni project became the winner, and European partners supported it.

All members of the consortium are eager to play a role in setting up a high-performing digital education ecosystem that can ensure continuity and performance in their academic activities to keep attracting all learners and enhancing their employability in a knowledge-driven economy:

Foster systemic improvement and innovation in the higher education sector.
Develop inclusive higher education system to ensure the right conditions for students of different backgrounds and fewer opportunities to access and succeed in their studies.
Modernise governance and financing of Ukrainian higher education system.
Increase the capacities of Ukrainian HEIs by synergies with ongoing EU initiatives including Erasmus+.

All members of the consortium are eager to play a role in setting up a high-performing digital education ecosystem that can ensure continuity and performance in their academic activities to keep attracting all learners and enhancing their employability in a knowledge-driven economy.

Project goal

General and specific objectives

General objective 1
Development of a high-performing digital educational ecosystem in Ukraine to ensure continuous, high-quality, inclusive, and transparent education, regardless of the student's and teacher’s location, using the existing digital innovations in the field of education and the understandable paradigm of involving future innovations, develop holistic and sustainable higher education system to meet socio-economic needs and broad ambitions for a knowledge-based economy.
General objective 2
Digitalization of teaching and learning methods and providing the infrastructure necessary for online and inclusive education.
General objective 3
Contribution to the progressive synchronization of Ukrainian and European universities in line with the values, standards, and priorities of the European Higher Education Area, and in the perspective of the future accession of Ukraine to the European Union (EU). The project aims to promote the manifestation of European solidarity on a "bottom-up" principle based on inter-institutional cooperation and a result-oriented approach, combined with various levels of political decision- making.
Specific objectives

Specific objectives of the Digiuni project:

To develop the concept, strategy, and action plan for creating an integrated and inclusive digital educational ecosystem in Ukraine to be submitted for state adoption;
To develop and launch the all-Ukrainian digital educational environment – DigiPlatform;
To develop DigiUni as a pilot organizational mechanism for uniting, transforming, and integrating HEIs and other interested institutions for achieving the common objective, it includes the creation of the Open DigiUni-Ukraine Charter;
To develop the rules for ensuring and improving the quality of the digital content at the higher education institutions of Ukraine, methods of the digital content quality assessment, developing methodology and guidelines for creating digital content and digital courses;
To build up the project infrastructure and tools: to create DigiCentres at each Ukrainian higher education partner institution with the necessary software and equipment;
To develop the primary DigiPlatform content, in particular, the complete list of the available digital courses and other digital materials of the Ukrainian partner-HEIs with direct links to their university's digital resources; to place and/or create on the platform direct links to the digital courses/resources of the European partners which they are ready to provide the Ukrainian audience with granted access;
To develop 100+ new courses in different fields of knowledge, with 20 of them incorporating the use of virtual or/and augmented reality and/or virtual/remote laboratories; to build in and/or create virtual and remote laboratories;
To create 20 separate educational modules and 30 microlearning modules for the non-university audience;
To train 600 educators as digital content facilitators, 30 – as administrators of the content, and 40 – as specialists in quality assessment of the content;
To provide 5,000+ students with courses and 1,000+ non-academics with educational modules using DigiPlatform within the pilot DigiUni project.
To realize 20+ examples of std’s virtual mobility among UA partner-HEIs.
Target groups

The target groups of the Digiuni project are:

Students of higher education institutions, general secondary education institutions, and vocational pre-higher education institutions;
Lecturers of Ukrainian higher education institutions who need to learn to work in a new digital environment, create new digital content, and use existing content provided by other higher education institutions in Ukraine and partners from the EU;
Veterans, temporarily displaced persons, persons affected by military actions in Ukraine who need retraining for employment;
Persons with limited educational opportunities who want to obtain higher education or improve their qualifications;
Persons interested in professional and personal development, obtaining micro-credits under a flexible training program.

Project coordinators:

Smirnova, PhD

Project coordinator

Associate professor at the Department of information systems and technology, Faculty of information technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Has been professionally managing projects in education and science since 2004. Coordinated (acted as Project manager) 4 different European projects. 2 TEMPUS, Erasmus + CBHE JP and Erasmus + CBHE SP: iCo-op – Main goal of cooperation between Universities and Industry; SEHUD – Cities sustainable development; GameHub – digital games development education, dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens.

Serhii Bronin, PhD

Project coordinator

Associate professor at the Department of information systems and technology, Faculty of information technology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Has been professionally managing projects in education and science since 2004. Coordinated (acted as Project manager) 4 different European projects. 2 TEMPUS, Erasmus + CBHE JP and Erasmus + CBHE SP: iCo-op – Main goal of cooperation between Universities and Industry; SEHUD – Cities sustainable development; GameHub – digital games development education, dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens.

Project team:

Andriy Stoyka

Professor of the Department of Marketing and Tourism

Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Information Technologies, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Ivan Kozii

Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogic work

Sumy State University

Heorhii Vorobets

Head of the Department of Computer Systems and Networks
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Chernivtsi National University named after Yury Fedkovich

Alina Synytska

Head of the Center for Educational and Innovative Technologies

Ukrainian Catholic University

Oleksandr Spivakovskyi

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Kherson State University

Alla Tsapiv

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Vice-rector for international, social-humanitarian and scientific-pedagogical work, professor of the Department of English Philology and World Literature named after Professor Oleg Mishukov

Kherson State University

Tetyana Marena

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Affairs
Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Mariupol State University

Iryna Porunkova

Head of the fundraising team

Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute National Technical University

Maksym Folomieiev

Head of the PR and International Cooperation Department
Candidate of political sciences, associate professor

The National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance

Michaela Kortyšová

Project manager

Masarykova univerzita

Anne-Marie Lipphardt

M.A. Political Science

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Lukasz Donaj

University Professor

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

More participants

Project partners:


Project timeline:

Obtain experience and best practices from Digiuni EU Partners
Create training curriculum for teachers and trainers
Create 10 DigiCentres in each UA partner university
Launch DigiPlatform
Create UA Digital  educational ecosystem
Obtain experience and best practices from Digiuni EU Partners
UA university staff trained and ready to use DigiUni platform
Developed rules for Quality assurance of digital content
Existing digital content placed on DigiPlatform
DigiPlatform is equipped with virtual laboratories and other features
New exclusive digital content is created
DigiUni pilot implemented and target groups trained
Obtain experience and best practices from Digiuni EU Partners
Create 10 DigiCentres in each UA partner university
UA university staff trained and ready to use DigiUni platform
DigiPlatform is equipped with virtual laboratories and other features
DigiUni pilot implemented and target groups trained
Create training curriculum for teachers and trainers
Launch DigiPlatform
Create UA Digital educational ecosystem
Obtain experience and best practices from Digiuni EU Partners
Developed rules for Quality assurance of digital content
Existing digital content placed on DigiPlatform
New exclusive digital content is created
Detailed timeline