The first DigiUni training took place at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic

Teams from 10 Ukrainian universities and the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals - the Ukrainian partners of the DigiUni project - studied the best practices of online education, the use of digital tools and techniques, content management systems, and other aspects of the Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project DigiUni “Digital University - Open Ukrainian Initiative” (DigiUni: Digital University — Open Ukrainian Initiative) from April 22 to 26, representatives of 11 Ukrainian project partners took part in the training “MUNI Best practices in online education & learning (Masaryk University)” in Brno (Czech Republic).
On the first day of the event, Prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš Ph.D., the Rector of the Masaryk University, and Mgr. Jan Mysliveček, Ph.D, the Director of the Institute of Computer Science, delivered a welcome address. The visiting teams from Ukrainian universities had the opportunity to engage with trainers from Masaryk University’s DigiUni project. Discussions focused on the pedagogical aspects of effective interactive online learning, including an in-depth exploration of the hyflex model - a flexible approach combining face-to-face and online learning. The day concluded with a presentation on a successful implementation of this model in developing a fully online university program, highlighting practical outcomes and benefits.
«This is the first training under the DigiUni project, we were hosted at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, which has a successful experience in organizing distance and blended learning. The training program was structured in two segments: 1) classroom training with presentations and visual demonstrations of the use of modern digital technologies, including specialized equipment, and 2) The second part involved visits to the simulation center at the Faculty of Medicine and other training laboratories», emphasized Sergiy Bronin, DigiUni project coordinator from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Participants were introduced to the organization of the educational process and the equipment used. The training was particularly beneficial, and we plan to implement some of the learned practices in the development of content for our DigiPlatform. An important factor in the project's success is the personal communication between participants who share common goals and values», summarized Sergiy Bronin.
The DigiUni project aims to ensure inclusiveness of education. An example of how the issue of online accessibility of educational materials and online tutoring is implemented was demonstrated by the activities of the Centre for Supporting Students with Specific Needs.
«The training is an opportunity to meet colleagues from different Ukrainian universities with whom we work in the project. The experience of organizing hybrid learning, which Masaryk University showed us, is also important. For them, as for us, it was a necessary measure to switch to a distance format during the Covid-19 pandemic. They now transform the experience they have gained into expanding opportunities for students who have the right to choose a convenient learning format. We studied particular courses, the specifics of the material presentation, as it is what we will need to create our own content. I am impressed by the way inclusion is implemented in the educational process», shared her impressions Svitlana Hurkina, Associate Professor of the Institute of Church History at the Ukrainian Catholic University.
A special place was dedicated to the Masaryk University Information System, the main support system for teachers and students, including practical tools for online learning through the open Moodle system. The participants also plunged into virtual reality and the principles of creating educational content for this environment.
«I really like the idea of the DigiUni project, the main essence of which is the creation of an all- Ukrainian open digital educational platform. By studying the experience of Masaryk University, I plan to adopt some techniques and technical aspects to implement them both in my educational institution and while working on content for the DigiPlatform. Our task is to broaden the opportunities of our students in learning and teachers in delivering information», stated Yaroslav Vozniuk, Head of the Educational Laboratory of Computer Science Department of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
According to the training results, the participants developed a plan for their further teamwork and thanked the leadership of Masaryk University and the trainers for the welcome and the opportunity to plunge into their digital educational environment.
«The training is a great opportunity to meet with colleagues from Ukrainian universities, get to know each other and share our experience in organizing blended learning. We are really very inspired by the fact that Ukrainian universities continue to teach and develop in extremely difficult conditions. I sincerely wish that everything would get better in Ukraine as soon as possible. I hope that we will continue the cooperation and relationships that have been established during this week. There are a lot of opportunities. All of our teachers are really eager to participate in any DigiUni project activities», shared her impressions of the work Michaela Kortyšová, the organizer of the training and coordinator of the DigiUni project from Masaryk University.
"We are grateful for the openness and willingness to share experiences from the Masaryk University team. All the information received was undoubtedly interesting and useful, and more importantly: some of the learned practices will definitely be implemented during the development of content for DigiPlatform (the digital learning environment DigiUni). A key factor in the success of the project is the personal communication between participants who are united by common goals and values," noted Sergiy Bronin, DigiUni project coordinator from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
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